
Form validation problem

We’ve created this problem to evaluate how developers tackle a real-world problem. If you’ve been assigned this problem you should spend around 2 hours working on it. The last thing we want you to do is toil away for days on end!

If you’ve stumbled across this and want to work at Springload feel free to submit it too. We’re always on the lookout for skilled developers.

Problem definition

Imagine, if you will, a form.

The form has a title reading “Contact form”.

The form has these fields:

Feel free to decide any styling, responsive behaviour, or any text for error messages or labels or placeholders etc, yourself.

Your objective is to produce this form with as much or as little sophistication as you see fit, explaining what informed your decisions.

Other advice

2 hours isn’t much, so it’s ok to not do everything!

We want to see what you’ve prioritised, and a description of what hasn’t been done.

You might want to consider:


Submit your solution to the person who sent you the test, or to Springload… send a link to your repo or a ZIP or something like that.
